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Dear Reader,

Photo by Centenary Archives

Welcome to the revival of Centenary's student newspaper, The Conglomerate! 

The Conglomerate has a proud history on Centenary's campus as a media outlet run by the students, for the students, that dates back to October of 1922 when it replaced its predecessor, The Maroon and White. Published every Friday, its inaugural goals were numerous and considered most worthy:

“With the new spirit that has been fused into Centenary College, with its increased enrollment, and such valuable material in hand it is the earnest desire of the staff to edit such a paper, that will well keep pace with the other fast-growing activities of the College, as well as merit the name of Centenary College with its bright future and unforetold possibilities.”

-The first issue of The Conglomerate

Its staff held true to their goals; the paper lasted throughout the trials and tribulations of economic depression, international war, and the onset of the digital age with a tenacity that merits the Centenary name. And it is my extreme honor to bear witness to the reinstitution of such a hallowed tradition as we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic.

In gathering our materials for this comeback issue, we found ourselves focused on the themes of fire and rebirth and the competing notions of tradition versus modernity. In the past two years, as the world has found itself under fire, we as individuals have had to change and reform ourselves for the betterment of our communities. As students, we've had to adopt practices to keep ourselves and our peers safe. The world and Centenary have changed so much that most students probably haven’t experienced a normal Centenary. Under such circumstances, the concept of tradition takes on an entirely new meaning. It is the goal of our staff to redefine the traditions of our College and to help with the implementation of a new normal that will outlast the work done this semester. The first step in that process was to take The Conglomerate from a paper to an entirely virtual format. 

Our transition to a virtual format may seem to some as an abandonment of the classical notion of journalism. We like to consider it a natural evolution—a rebirth guided by the same goals outlined in that very first issue printed in 1922. What you see today is the culmination of months of hard work and dedication by a team comprised of students from all corners of Centenary's campus. We are a team representing both the Humanities and STEM. A team that shares a belief in the special importance that student media organizations have on Centenary’s campus, as both valuable avenues of self-expression and methods of gaining and practicing the skills that we will later bring to the job market and the greater outside world.  

Therefore, today, the staff of The Conglomerate would like to make our future goals known: we desire to be a paper for the students, run by the students, and to craft the organization into a method of representation for all voices at Centenary College. We will honor the tradition of The Conglomerate while building a stable foundation as we move into an increasingly technological age. And we will do our utmost to merit the name of Centenary College with our every issue.

Remember these promises as you read issue one and those to come, and keep in mind the evolving nature of our work. What we present to you now is only one iteration of how The Conglomerate will look. Read. Enjoy! And remember to return in the following weeks to witness our growth as journalists, artists, and individuals.


The Conglomerate Staff

Callie Fedd

My name is Callie Fedd. I'm a senior, an English major, and the current 2021-2022 Editor-in-Chief for The Conglomerate. My weekends are usually spent with my dogs, cats, and cringe sci-fi shows.

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