Dear Reader…
Welcome to the Spring 2023 volume of The Conglomerate! We’re so glad to be back and see all of you (even though we can’t actually see your faces…). We hope you’ve all enjoyed the holiday season and found some way to relax. I know the staff, Executive Board, and I made the most of it - even if that meant doing absolutely nothing. Despite being away from the paper for almost a month, I have been waiting for us to start publishing again. Little did I think that it would be the day so soon.
And here we are! Just like last semester, it seems as if the Issue 1 publication date got here way too quick. Now that we are back, we are so excited to share this new volume with you all. Throughout this semester, The Congo will feature different and exiting articles, multimedia projects, even whole issues (keep an eye out in April *insert winky face*). Our incredibly talented team continues to grow, and I can’t wait for them to showcase their skills. We’ve just touched upon those skills this issue, but I know they will continue to shine throughout the future issues. Just looking at our schedule for the year and the things we have planned make me eager for the year to go by so we can share them with you all.
However, that eagerness is paired with bit of bittersweetness. With the realization that May and graduation are finally within sight, so comes the realization that is will be my, and many other Congo staff and EB’s, last volume with the paper. I won’t get too sappy now - that will be saved for another issue, so don’t worry. Just know, I plan for this semester’s volume to be a memorable one.
With all this said, I am so glad to be back with the paper. Whether you are an avid reader or someone who just stumbled upon this site (leave while you can), I am excited to share this semester and its adventures with you all. Without giving away too much of what we have planned, I’ll finish by saying I have a feeling that this may be my favorite volume yet…
As Editor-in-Chief, I am proud to present The Conglomerate, Spring 2023 Volume to you. Happy readings!
Emilie Adams