Dear Reader,
If you are reading this, then you have made it to The Conglomerate's third issue. They say that it takes repeating an action four times to make it into a habit; I am proud to say that our staff seems to have mastered it in three.
At the beginning of this endeavor to revive 'The Congo,' our editorial board sat down and created an ambitious publishing schedule that we have since kept a guarded secret. With today's issue, we have proven that we are capable of meeting our goals (while juggling the burdens of coursework, extracurriculars, and the epic highs and lows of collegiate life); and find ourselves ready to commit publicly to a bi-weekly publishing schedule. Therefore, you can look for our fourth issue to come out exactly two weeks from now, on Friday, February 25th.
With our schedule solidified, our staff has had the opportunity to allow our ambition, creativity, and imagination to lead our work. This has led to the creation of new segments and ideas for new directions in which we can take our humble publication. Today, readers, we present to you two new additions.
Our first addition is a supplement to our current News & Worldview section. Section editor, Emilie Adams, has chosen to advertise upcoming events both on Centenary's campus (CAB's annual Build-a-Bae is coming up!) and in the greater Shreveport/Bossier area (the upcoming events of 02/22/22!). The section is meant to not only help with the promotion of events by Centenary student organizations, but to encourage our fellow students to occasionally traverse beyond the boundaries of Centenary and experience life ‘on the outside.’
The next feature to debut in this issue of The Congo is a routine satire segment, to be published under our Opinion section, and named 'Miscellaneous Babbling Speeches.' Since that is, of course, a very long name, we made the executive decision to shorten the name of the segment to Misc. B.S., for enhanced readability and a better design aesthetic. Go and read Mackenzie Newlan’s article for its use of creative imagination and cutting wit, as she honors the one-year anniversary of the 2021 Snow-poca-lypse.
These features today are only one step in the progression and maturation of The Conglomerate. From the beginning, we have conceptualized the newspaper as a publication run by the students, for the students, and as such it is our greatest ambition to continue to take the paper in a direction that best represents the Centenary student body. If you find yourself interested in working on the paper, or willing and able to provide constructive criticism, feel free to contact us at
Read and enjoy!
The Conglomerate Staff