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How to Stay on Top of Studying

With school back in session, it’s time to bust out those handy dandy study tricks again. By now, many of us have a system that actually works and live by it religiously. But there are some that are still figuring out what is best for them. If you are the former, why are you here? You know what you’re doing — go to another article. If you are the latter, though, we hope that these study tips can help you in some way. 

The Conglomerate is proud to share the ways we’ve all been able to stay on top of studying:

1. Just don’t do it. Is the grade really that important? What’s one bad grade going to do? We suggest putting away your notes — heck, just throw them away — and taking it easy. Just make a wish, and hope for the best. To be honest, you probably weren’t going to make that good of a grade anyways, so don’t even bother going through the time and stress of studying. We suggest going to Randle’s instead and not even thinking about studying anymore.

Just kidding — studying is important, kids. This world really needs smart people (like you). 

[The Conglomerate does not endorse not studying (for the most part). If you see a member of The Congo not studying, we do not claim them. We’ve never even heard of them.]

Here are the actual tips:

1. Take good notes. To know how to study, you need to make sure you have good and proper information. Taking good notes involves keeping things in order and the notes for different classes separate from each other. Also, write down anything your professor writes on the board; if the instructor took the time to write it out, they consider it important, and you’ll most likely see it somewhere. It’s also important to have your notes organized — whatever that may look like to you. Some people color code, some separate by individual topic, etc. The organization of ideas is as important as the content of those ideas, especially when it comes to learning material.

2. And actually look over your notes every day (if possible). This one can be challenging for many students, given how busy we all are. Many of us are involved in so much that before we know it, the day is done, and we’re exhausted. If this is something you’d like to try and break into your daily routine though, try spending at least thirty minutes going over notes from each class. There is research from smart people that shows reviewing new material within twenty-four hours after hearing it increases your retention of that material a lot. Also, reviewing material before the next time you have that class allows you to find areas you may be confused about, which will prepare you to think of and ask the questions you need to before the next class.

3. Try different study spots. Changing study spaces is a more effective way of retaining information. I’m sure many of us have a go-to study spot, and although this is great, research suggests that it is better to change locations. Our memory is influenced by location, so changing your study spot raises the likelihood of remembering what you learned. There are numerous spots on campus to try: the library, your dorm lobby, the academic buildings, the SUB later on in the day, plus many others. 

4. Get enough sleep (like for real). You’ve definitely heard this one before, so, therefore, it must be really important. Sleep is essential when it comes to useful study habits. When you’re tired, you think more slowly and tend not to retain as much information. If you want to get the most out of your study sessions, make sure you get enough sleep. If possible, try waking up and reviewing materials in the morning versus the night. Your mind is rested and can process the information better. 

5. Use flash cards or another method that works for you. Writing notes and definitions more than once will help imprint information in your memory. Ideally, write down important facts for a test, and quiz yourself each day until you know the material. Flash cards are convenient because they allow you to summarize information and get rid of things that are irrelevant, allowing you to focus on only the most important details. Handwritten cards are the best, but there are sites that offer the same mechanics and can be just as effective.

7. Don’t completely immerse yourself in the subject matter. Despite what you may hear, focusing on one subject for long periods of time is less effective when it comes to remembering things than switching between topics. Take a break from each topic after thirty minutes or so, take a 10-minute break, so you don’t burn out (try not to go on your phone!), and then move on to another topic. You can come back to the first topic after you have spent some time studying other subjects. When you do revisit the topic, you will feel refreshed and ready to pick up where you left off.

8. Don’t wait until the night before a quiz, text, exam, or whatever to start studying. Waiting until the night before to study can lead to cramming, which is not an effective studying technique at all, despite how good you think you are. Cramming before an exam will increase the feeling of desperation, which can lead to test anxiety. If you take the time to review your notes regularly beforehand, you will have to do less cramming. When the day before comes, try jotting down a few facts that may have given you trouble or that you want to have fresh in your mind when you begin the exam. When you get up in the morning, read through your list a few times. This kind of memory support not only improves your performance on the test, but it also improves your long-term memory of the material.

College is difficult and maintaining good grades is a large concern of students. It’s important to remember that each person has their own way of retaining information; find what works best for you. Also, while we here at The Congo support studying, it is very, very important that you do not let it consume you. There are resources on campus that are available: friends, classmates, professors, tutors, etc. No assignment is worth worsening your mental, emotional, or physical state.

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