Reece Maguire Reece Maguire

Hidden Gems: Pita De’ Novo

'Hidden Gems' is a reoccurring Conglomerate column dedicated to featuring unique and unusual aspects of Shreveport--aspects that may not be a top hit on your typical Google search. In our previous issue, we showcased the delicious and affordable American-Vietnamese cuisine at Pham's.

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Jordan Fong Jordan Fong

Wordle: Those Green and Yellow Emojis

You have probably become either mildly obsessed with Wordle or mildly confused as to why everyone else is obsessed with it. But, if you have yet to hear of the phenomenon and you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, Wordle is a daily word puzzle where you have six tries to guess a five-letter word.

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Madame Feeny Madame Feeny

Adulting 101: The Art of Thrifting

With the world going on its second year of a global pandemic, it is rare to find anyone who has not been affected by COVID-19 in some way, shape, or form.

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Callie Fedd Callie Fedd

10 Reasons to Vote…

In honor of his retirement to the simple life, we would like to present to you 10 reasons why you should vote Dr. Shelburne the 2022 Outstanding Teacher of the Year. 

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LC Moffitt LC Moffitt

Movie Review: Inkheart

Congratulations! You’ve made it to year two of a global pandemic where public spaces are iffy zones of COVID potential!

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