Tell Me About It…Advice with Bootstrap Bill

Do you have something going on in your life and it’s really bugging you? Do you wish you had someone to share this issue with and get real, (somewhat) genuine advice? Would you just love if that someone was an anonymous person writing for a college newspaper and they were both delightfully funny and disturbingly honest? If you answered yes to any of these, or just want to mess around, look no further – Bootstrap Bill, professional advice giver, is here to help.

Bill will gladly hear what is ailing you – how to college and/or adult, how to ask out that cute girl from class that probably thinks you have a serious staring problem, what the best way to get revenge on someone who has wronged you, etc. If you’ve questioned it, we most likely have an answer. 

If you’d like Bill to answer your pressing concerns, and don’t mind being published in The Congo, email All submissions will be kept private and anonymous throughout the entire process. 


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